
Parameters #

Cluster Ecosystem Tool Parameters #

SphereEx-Boot Command Line Parameters #


downloadDownload ShardingSphere-Proxy, Zookeeper, Database driver packages–type [proxy\ | zk\ | driver] Option proxy or zk or driver
–proxy-url TEXT Proxy download URL
–zk-url TEXT Zookeeper download URL
–driver-url TEXT Database driver download URL
–output-dir TEXT Output directory, Default current directory
–help Show this message and exit.
initQuickly initialize cluster configuration for operations-n, –name TEXT name of cluster [required]
–user TEXT install user
–password TEXT install password
–proxy-file PATH package file of proxy
–proxy-conf-dir PATH config file directory of proxy
–proxy-agent-conf-file PATH agent config file of proxy
–proxy-depend-file PATH depend file of proxy, for example, a database driver, for example: –proxy-depend-file /root/mysql-connector-java-5.1.47.jar
–proxy-install-dir TEXT install directory of proxy
–proxy-port INTEGER start port of proxy
–proxy-overwrite TEXT overwrite if install directory already exists
–proxy-host TEXT proxy host IP, can be entered multiple times, for example: –proxy-host –proxy-host
–zk-file PATH package file of ZooKeeper
–zk-conf-file PATH zoo.cfg file of zookeeper
–zk-install-dir TEXT install directory of zookeeper
–zk-data-dir TEXT data directory of zookeeper
–zk-port INTEGER clientPort of zookeeper
–zk-overwrite TEXT overwrite if install directory already exists
–zk-host TEXT ZooKeeper host IP, can be entered multiple times, for example: –zk-host –zk-host
–download [all\ | proxy\ | zk\ | driver] Download related installation packages
–proxy-url TEXT Proxy download URL
–zk-url TEXT ZooKeeper download URL
–driver-url TEXT Database driver download URL
–help Show this message and exit.
installInstall the cluster (proxy or zk) based on the configuration file-n, –name TEXT Cluster name [required]
–host TEXT Host and port value. For example: Specify the machine for this IP, Specify the node for this IP port
–force The existing installation directory will be overwritten
–type [proxy\ | zk] Option proxy or zk
–help Show this message and exit.
listShow the installed clusters
scaleScale the proxy of the cluster by file or parameters-n, –name TEXT Name of cluster to be expanded, Required -f, –file PATH Configuration file of cluster
–host TEXT Deployment machine IP
–port INTEGER Start port of proxy or zookeeper
–install-dir TEXT Install directory of proxy or zookeeper
–agent-conf-file PATH Proxy agent config file
–overwrite [yes\ | no] Overwrite if install directory already exists
–help Show this message and exit.
startStart the cluster’s proxy or zk-n, –name TEXT Cluster name [required]
–with-agent Is Flag, Start with agent
–host TEXT Host and port value, For example or
–type [proxy | zk] Option proxy or zk
–help Show this message and exit.
statusView the status of the cluster’s proxy or zk-n, –name TEXT Cluster name [required]
–host TEXT Host and port value, For example or
–type [proxy\ | zk] Option proxy or zk
–help Show this message and exit.
stopStop the cluster or zk-n, –name TEXT Cluster name [required]
–host TEXT Host and port value, For example or
–type [proxy\ | zk] Option proxy or zk
–help Show this message and exit.
uninstallUninstall the cluster or zk-n, –name TEXT Cluster name [required]
–host TEXT Host and port value, For example or
–type [proxy\ | zk] Option proxy or zk
–force Confirm forced uninstall
–help Show this message and exit.

Cluster Components

installCurrently, only Prometheus can be installed–type [prometheus] Specify component type, default prometheus
-f, –file PATH Specify profile
-t, –template Export configuration template
–user TEXT Install user
–password TEXT Install password
–install-dir TEXT Install directory
–package PATH Installation package
–host TEXT Host IP
–help Show this message and exit.
uninstallCurrently, only Prometheus can be uninstalled–type [prometheus] Specify component type, default prometheus
–user TEXT Install user
–password TEXT Install password
–install-dir TEXT Installed directory
–host TEXT Host IP
–help Show this message and exit.

Cluster Configuration Files

addAdd cluster configuration file-f, –file PATH Cluster configuration file [required]
–force If a cluster with the same name exists, do you want to overwrite the configuration

–help Show this message and exit.
checkCheck cluster configuration files, can choose -f or -n-f, –file PATH Cluster configuration file
-n, –name TEXT Cluster name
–help Show this message and exit.
deleteDelete cluster configuration file–force Force delete configuration of cluster!
–help Show this message and exit.
infoDisplay the contents of the configuration file-n, –name TEXT Cluster name [required]
–detail flag, detail info of the cluster configuration
–help Show this message and exit.
templateExport all configuration templates or scale configuration templates–type [full | scale] Option ‘full’ or ‘scale’ [required]
–output TEXT Output to a file
–help Show this message and exit.


cloneDownload dependencies-r, –requirement Output spex dependent.
-o, –output-dir PATH Output directory, Default current directory.
–help Show this message and exit.

Manage SphereEx-Console

installInstall console-c, –config PATH Console configuration file [required]
-n, –name TEXT Console name [required]
–help Show this message and exit.
uninstallUninstall console-n, –name TEXT Console name [required]
–help Show this message and exit.
listList the installed console list
exportExport installation configuration file template–output TEXT Output to the path
–help Show this message and exit.
backupBackup the mysql library data used by console, save it to the console’s parent installation directory, and it will not be deleted because console is uninstalled-n, –name TEXT Console name [required]
–help Show this message and exit.

Cluster Component Parameter Lists #

Parameters configured during the use of components

  • Monitoring Center Startup Parameters
--web.listen-address=":{listen_port}"  # Listening port
--config.my-cnf="{conf}" # Configuration file for the above content
  • Monitoring Plugin zookeeper-exporter Startup Parameters
-bind-addr=":{listen_port}"  # Listening port
-zookeeper="{zk_host}"  # Host:port to monitor zk
  • Monitoring Plugin Node_exporter Startup Parameters
--web.listen-address=":{listen_port}  # Listening port

Cluster Parameter Lists

NameData TypeDescriptionDefault ValueDynamic
agent_plugins_enabledbooleanWhether to enable agent plugin. TRUE/FALSETRUENo
kernel_executor_sizeintThe size of the task processing thread pool. Each ShardingSphereDataSource uses a separate thread pool, and different data sources in the same JVM do not share thread pools.infiniteNo
max_connections_size_per_queryintThe maximum number of connections that can be used in each database instance for a single query request.1Yes
proxy_frontend_flush_thresholdintSetting the IO refresh threshold for transferring the number of data entries in ShardingSphere-Proxy.128Yes
proxy_backend_query_fetch_sizeintThe number of data rows that Proxy interacts with the database each time (when using a cursor). A larger value may increase the memory usage of ShardingSphere Proxy. The default value is -1, which means it is set to the minimum value of the JDBC driver.-1Yes
proxy_frontend_executor_sizeintThe number of threads in the Proxy front-end Netty thread pool, with a default value of 0 indicating that the Netty default value is used.0No
proxy_frontend_max_connectionsintThe maximum number of clients allowed to connect to Proxy, with a default value of 0 indicating no limit.0Yes
proxy_default_portStringSpecify the default port through the configuration file of Proxy.3307No
proxy_netty_backlogintSpecify the default netty back_log parameter through the configuration file of Proxy.1024No
proxy_frontend_database_protocol_typeStringProxy front-end protocol type, supports MySQL, PostgreSQL, openGauss""No
proxy_instance_typeStringProxy instance type, optional: Proxy, SphereEx:Proxy, Proxy represents cloud deployment type, SphereEx:Proxy represents local deployment typeProxyNo
sql_showbooleanWhether to print SQL in the system log.
Printing SQL can help developers quickly locate system problems. The log content includes: logical SQL, real SQL, and SQL parsing results.
If this configuration is enabled, the log will use Topic ShardingSphere-SQL, and the system log level is INFO.
sql_simplebooleanWhether to print simple-style SQL in the system log.falseYes
slow_query_logbooleanWhether to enable slow query TRUE/FALSEfalseYes
long_query_timeintSlow query threshold in ms10Yes
general_query_logbooleanWhether to enable full log (audit log) TRUE/FALSEfalseYes
system_log_levelStringSystem log level of the current computing node (proxy) DEBUG, INFO, WARN, ERRORINFOYes
system_log_patternStringSystem log format of the current computing node (proxy) Log format can refer to Logback Layouts[%-5level] %d{yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS} [%thread] %logger{36} - %msg%nYes
storage_node_heartbeat_interval_millisecondsintUsed to configure the interval for collecting storage node status, in milliseconds. If the configuration is equal to 0, the storage node status collection function is turned off.0Yes
meta_data_consistency_enabledbooleanControl whether to enable proxy DDL and RDL consistency updatestrueYes
proxy_meta_data_collector_enabledbooleanUsed to enable the metadata information collection of the timing task threadTRUENo
cached_connectionsintNumber of cached connections in the backend 0 Read-only0No
check_table_metadata_enabledbooleanWhether to check the structural consistency of shard metadata when the program starts and updates.falseYes
cdc_decrypt_enabledbooleanCDC transfers plaintext to the clientfalseYes
cdc_server_portStringCDC default port33071No
ghost_ddl_auto_cutoverbooleanOnline DDL switch mode when using shadow table execution, automatic switch mode. Disabled, manual COMMIT DDL is required to complete the switchtrueYes
ghost_ddl_drop_tablebooleanWhen using shadow table execution in Online DDL, whether to delete the original table after execution is completedfalseYes
ghost_ddl_row_thresholdStringNumber of rows threshold for DDL trigger to execute using shadow table1000000Yes
proxy_ddl_strategyStringExecution mode of Online DDL. After consistency is enabled, it will enter the online process. Optional parameters: ONLINE, DIRECT, AUTO. ONLINE: Proxy intervenes and guarantees that ddl is executed online
insert_select_batch_sizeStringThe number of data items executed by the insert select task at one time1000Yes
proxy_frontend_ssl_enabledbooleanProxy frontend enables SSL/TLS.falseNo
proxy_frontend_ssl_cert_fileStringX.509 certificate chain file in PEM format. When no certificate and private key files are set up, ShardingSphere-Proxy generates a temporary RSA key pair and a self-signed X.509 certificate.""No
proxy_frontend_ssl_key_fileStringPKCS#8 private key file in PEM format.""No
proxy_frontend_ssl_versionStringThe SSL/TLS protocol to enable. Leave blank to use default value.TLSv1.2,TLSv1.3No
proxy_frontend_ssl_cipherStringCipher suites enabled in order of preference. Comma separated multiple cipher suites. Leave blank to use default value.""No
system_schema_metadata_enabledbooleanInternal parameters, whether to automatically load system tables.trueYes