
Property configuration #

DBPlusEngine provides property configuration to configure system-level configuration.

Configuration item description #

NameData typeDescriptionDefault value
sql-show (?)booleanWhether to print SQL in the log. Printing SQL can help developers quickly locate system problems. Log content includes: logical SQL, real SQL and SQL parsing results. If the configuration is enabled, the log will use Topic ShardingSphere-SQL and the log level is INFOfalse
sql-simple (?)booleanWhether to print simple style SQL in the logfalse
kernel-executor-size (?)intUsed to set the size of the task processing thread pool. Each ShardingSphereDataSource uses an independent thread pool. Different data sources of the same JVM do not share the thread pool.infinite
max-connections-size-per-query (?)intThe maximum number of connections that can be used in each database instance for one query request1
check-table-metadata-enabled (?)booleanWhether to check the structural consistency of shard metadata during program startup and updatefalse
sql-federation-enabled (?)StringFederated query executor type, including: NONE, ORIGINAL, ADVANCEDNONE

Operation steps #

Property configuration is directly configured in the configuration file used by the Driver, with the following format:

    sql-show: true