Unsupported Items

Unsupported Items #

DataSource Interface #

  • Do not support timeout-related operations

Connection Interface #

  • Do not support operations of a stored procedure, function and cursor
  • Do not support native SQL
  • Do not support savepoint-related operations
  • Do not support Schema/Catalog operation
  • Do not support self-defined type mapping

Statement and PreparedStatement Interface #

  • Do not support statements that return multiple result sets (stored procedures, multiple pieces of non-SELECT data)
  • Do not support the operation of international characters

ResultSet Interface #

  • Do not support getting result set pointer position
  • Do not support changing result pointer position through the none-next method
  • Do not support revising the content of the result set
  • Do not support acquiring international characters
  • Do not support getting Array

JDBC 4.1 #

  • Do not support new functions of JDBC 4.1 interface

For all the unsupported methods, please read org.apache.shardingsphere.driver.jdbc.unsupported package.