Encryption Algorithms

Encryption Algorithms #

AES Encryption Algorithm #

Type: AES

Configurable Properties:

NameData TypeDescription
aes-key-valueStringKey used by AES
digest-algorithm-nameStringDigest algorithm for AES key, optional configuration. Default: SHA-512. Configurable options: “MD2”, “MD5”, “SHA-1”, “SHA-224”, “SHA-256”, “SHA-384”, “SHA-512”, “SHA-512/224”, “SHA-512/256”, “SHA3-224”, “SHA3-256”, “SHA3-384”, “SHA3-512”
key-managerStringName of the key management algorithm

Explanation: Configure either aes-key-value or key-manager.

RC4 Encryption Algorithm #

Type: RC4

Configurable Properties:

NameData TypeDescription
rc4-key-valueStringKey used by RC4
key-managerStringName of the key management algorithm

Explanation: Configure either rc4-key-value or key-manager.

SM3 Encryption Algorithm #

Type: SM3

Configurable Properties:

NameData TypeDescription
sm3-saltStringSalt used by SM3 (empty or 8 Bytes)
key-managerStringName of the key management algorithm

Explanation: Configure either sm3-salt or key-manager.

SM4 Encryption Algorithm #

Type: SM4

Configurable Properties:

NameData TypeDescription
sm4-keyStringKey used by SM4 (16 Bytes)
sm4-modeStringMode used by SM4 (CBC or ECB)
sm4-ivStringIV used by SM4 (required for CBC mode, 16 Bytes)
sm4-paddingStringPadding used by SM4 (PKCS5Padding, PKCS7Padding, NoPadding(ECB mode cannot be used with NoPadding))
key-managerStringName of the key management algorithm

Explanation: Configure either SM4 settings (sm4-key, sm4-mode, sm4-iv, sm4-padding) or key-manager.

Fuzzy Encryption Algorithms #

Character Digest Algorithm #

Explanation: The character set of underlying storage nodes should be set to utf8 or utf8mb4.


Configurable Properties:

NameData TypeDescription
key-managerStringName of the key management algorithm

Desensitization Character Digest Algorithm #

Explanation: The character set of the underlying storage node needs to be set to utf8 or utf8mb4.

Principle: 1. First, use the configured desensitization algorithm to desensitize the plaintext data; 2. Use the configured digest algorithm to generate a digest for the desensitized data from step 1.


Configurable Properties:

NameData TypeDescription
like-algorithm-nameStringThe name of the like encryption algorithm, optional configuration, default is SphereEx:CHAR_TRANSFORM_LIKE
mask-algorithm-nameStringThe name of the desensitization algorithm, optional configuration, default is KEEP_FIRST_N_LAST_M

Explanation: For other configurable properties, refer to the specific like encryption algorithm and desensitization algorithm configuration properties.

Order-Preserving Encryption Algorithm #

OPE Encryption Algorithm #

Type: SphereEx:FASTOPE

Explanation: This algorithm can also be directly used as a standard algorithm, without the need to configure the orderQuery column, and can achieve sorting, comparison, and range queries.

Configurable Properties:

NameData TypeDescription
alpha-keyStringA random double used by the OPE algorithm, which can be generated using java.security.SecureRandom#nextDouble, with a value range of 0.8-1
factor-e-keyStringA random double used by the OPE algorithm, which can be generated using java.security.SecureRandom#nextDouble, with a value range of 0-1
factor-k-keyStringA random long used by the OPE algorithm, which can be generated using java.security.SecureRandom#nextLong

Query Assist Algorithms #

MD5 Encryption Algorithm #

Type: MD5

Configurable Properties:

NameData TypeDescription
saltStringSalt value (optional)

Key Management #

Built-in encryption algorithms (AES, RC4, SM3, SM4) can use key management to centrally manage key configurations, supporting both local and cloud-based key management.

Local Key Management #


Configurable Properties:

NameData TypeDescription
aes-key-valueStringKey used by SphereEx:AES
rc4-key-valueStringKey used by SphereEx:RC4
sm3-saltStringSalt used by SM3 (empty or 8 Bytes)
sm4-keyStringKey used by SM4 (16 Bytes)
sm4-modeStringMode used by SM4 (CBC or ECB)
sm4-ivStringIV used by SM4 (required for CBC mode, 16 Bytes)
sm4-paddingStringPadding used by SM4 (PKCS5Padding or PKCS7Padding, NoPadding not supported)

AWS Cloud Key Management #

Type: SphereEx:AWS_KMS

Configurable Properties:

NameData TypeDescription
access-keyStringAWS access key configuration
secret-keyStringAWS secret key configuration
aws-regionStringAWS region configuration
secret-nameStringAWS secret name configuration