Scenario two:Data Encryption #
In this scenario, SphereEx-Console (a SphereEx enterprise data service visualization platform) is used to install a SphereEx-DBPlusEngine cluster, and data encryption can be quickly implemented through SphereEx-Console.
The data encryption scenario is limited to using SphereEx-Console to quickly build a local SphereEx-DBPlusEngine cluster and link a MySQL database to realize data encryption (other components and database installation are not included).
Operation Steps #
Prepare resource environment #
Instance | IP Address | Service Port | Remark | |
1 | SphereEx-Boot | | / | SphereEx-Boot Toolkit |
2 | SphereEx-Console | | 8088 | SphereEx-Console Toolkit |
3 | SphereEx-DBPlusEngine | | 3212 | SphereEx-DBPlusEngine Cluster |
4 | MySQL 8.0 | | 3306 | Install the database (master database) required by Sphere-Console through SphereEx-Boot |
5 | MySQL 8.0 | | 3307 | Install the database (slave database) required by Sphere-Console through SphereEx-Boot |
6 | ZooKeeper | | 3666/3667 | ZooKeeper |
7 | MySQL 8.0 | / | 13306 | Database for encryption (need to be prepared in advance) |
Description: It needs to be replaced with the IP address and port in the actual environment during operation.
Install SphereEx-Boot #
Refers to Scenario two:Install SphereEx-Boot。
If SphereEx-Boot has been installed, this step can be ignored.
Install SphereEx-Console #
Before installing SphereEx-Console, make sure that the operating system has installed JDK 1.8.
1. Check JDK Version #
# java -version
openjdk version "1.8.0_312"
OpenJDK Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_312-b07)
OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.312-b07, mixed mode)
2. Export Configuration File #
# mkdir console
# cd console
# spex console export
# ls console_install.yaml
3. Modify Configuration File #
Modify according to the following parameter values, or modify according to the actual environment and keep the default parameters for unmentioned parameters.
# vi console_install.yaml
###################### SphereEx-Console Deploy Configuration Example #########################
# This file is an example configuration file.
# Here you can configure for the SphereEx-Console deploy.
# Deploy to remote must use ssh
#===================== Mysql Deploy Configuration ========================
# Required, Whether to install a new Mysql server
# If true Mysql master-slave will be installed
install_mysql: true
# If install Mysql is true the param is required
# install on local or remote
file: /root/console/mysql.tar.xz
listen_port: 3306
ssh_user: root
ssh_password: root
ssh_port: 22
install_dir: /root/console
# install on local or remote
file: /root/console/mysql.tar.xz
# If two Mysql servers are on the same machine, listen port must be different
listen_port: 3307
ssh_user: root
ssh_password: root
ssh_port: 22
install_dir: /root/console
#==================== Console Deploy Configuration =======================
# install on local or remote
ssh_user: root
ssh_password: root
ssh_port: 22
# Required, SphereEx-Console file. for example:/root/console/SphereEx-Console.tar.gz
file: /root/console/sphereex-console.1.1.0.tar.gz
# Required, deployment directory, remote or local
install_dir: /root/console
# Required, deployment directory, remote or local
port: 8088
# software home path
home: /opt/software
4. Execute Install Console Commend #
# spex console install -n console_demo -c console_install.yaml
create install directory
host: status:success
install mysql8
host: status:success
push mysql conf
host: status:success
create install directory
host: status:success
install mysql8
host: status:success
push mysql conf
host: status:success
start mysql
host: status:success
start mysql
host: status:success
push mysql shell
host: status:success
opt shell
host: status:success
push mysql shell
host: status:success
opt shell
host: status:success
create install directory
host: status:success
push console file
host: status:success
install console
host: status:success
push console yml
host: status:success
remove install file
host: status:success
pull console sql
host: status:success
pull console sql data
host: status:success
push console sql
host: status:success
init console mysql task
host: status:success
5. Start Console。 #
Enter the installation directory of the console and execute the startup command
# cd sphereex-console-1.1.0
# bin/
Starting the SphereEx-Console ...
Please check the STDOUT file: /root/console/sphereex-console-1.1.0/logs/stdout.log
6. Visit Console #
Use the server’s external network IP address and port to access the SphereEx-Console platform through a browser, and log in with the account and password in the configuration file.
Such as:
Default username: admin
Default password: admin
Create Cluster Using SphereEx-Console #
This part mainly introduces how to use SphereEx-Console to create a SphereEx-DBPlusEngine cluster and implement data encryption.
Operation Steps #
1. Register Host #
Select “Resources-Host” in the left navigation bar, click “Register Host”, fill in the required information, and click “OK” to complete the registration of the host.
2. Create Governance Centre #
Upload the ZooKeeper installation package to the /opt/software
Select “Resources-Governance Center” in the left navigation bar, click “New”, fill in the required information, and click “OK” to complete the creation of the governance center.
3. Create Cluster #
Upload the installation package of SphereEx-DBPlusEngine to /opt/software
Fill in the necessary information, and select the previously created governance centre.
After filling in the required information, click the “Install” button.
When the “Install” button turns grey, the operation result shows “Installation successful”, indicating that the cluster has been created successfully. Click OK to return to the cluster list.
On the “Register Storage Node” interface, select the database to be sharded and fill in the required information.
Click Probe, after the probing is successful, click OK.
Register the second database using the same method.
4. Create Logic database #
Click “Logical Database” in the left navigation bar to enter the list of logical databases, select the cluster name “cluster test001”, and click “Create Logical Database”.
Enter the “logic database name”, select the storage node, click the symbol “>”, and click OK to associate the database with the cluster.
5. Create Table #
Select “Object”, select the cluster and logical database, and click “New Table”.
Enter the table creation statement according to the reference example, and click OK.
sql> CREATE TABLE t_encrypt(
id INT(8),
mobile VARCHAR(50),
id_card_no VARCHAR(50)
6. Create Encrypt Rule #
Select the created data table: t_encrypt, click “Add Encryption” –> select “General” encryption –> click “Add Encryption Plugin”
Select “Encryption Algorithm”, select “Column to Encrypt”, check “Store Plaintext”, and click “Add” –> click “OK”.
7. Insert Data #
Login SphereEx-DBPlusEngine Cluster, Execute insert data commend
# mysql -uroot -proot -P3212 -h127.0.0.1
sql> use logical001;
sql> INSERT INTO t_encrypt (id, mobile_plain, id_card_no)
-> VALUES (1, 18236483857, 220605194709308170),
-> (2, 15686689114, 360222198806088804),
-> (3, 13983621809, 430204195612042092);
Query OK, 3 rows affected (0.02 sec)
8. Check Data Encryption Result #
Login SphereEx-DBPlusEngine Cluster, View data is ciphertext display.
Note: If you need to display plain text in the SphereEx-DBPlusEngine cluster, just uncheck “Use encrypted column query”.
# mysql -uroot -proot -P3212 -h127.0.0.1
sql> use logical001;
sql> SELECT * FROM t_encrypt;
| id | mobile | id_card_no |
| 1 | 6f655ea3b73e32d54ae2d34d672c0c55 | 220605194709308170 |
| 2 | a2193d0e8de4c2c4f166448e22ba97ae | 360222198806088804 |
| 3 | 3cf1fd442630071ca664bbd5e683f7f6 | 430204195612042092 |
3 rows in set (0.00 sec)
Log in to MySQL to view the data in ciphertext, see mobile_cipher
Because “store plaintext” is checked, the mobile phone number column is also stored in plaintext in the database, see mobile_plain
# mysql -uroot -proot -P13306 -h127.0.0.1
sql> use ss03;
sql> select * from t_encrypt;
| id | mobile_cipher | mobile_plain | id_card_no |
| 1 | 6f655ea3b73e32d54ae2d34d672c0c55 | 18236483857 | 220605194709308170 |
| 2 | a2193d0e8de4c2c4f166448e22ba97ae | 15686689114 | 360222198806088804 |
| 3 | 3cf1fd442630071ca664bbd5e683f7f6 | 13983621809 | 430204195612042092 |