Product Family Description

Product Family Description #

SphereEx Product Family

SphereEx-DBPlusSuite builds on the database ecosystem, using various databases as storage nodes on the storage side, while satisfying database protocols and SQL dialects on the access side, and providing incremental capabilities for database application architecture.

The SphereEx-DBPlusSuite product suite includes three products: SphereEx-Boot, SphereEx-Console, and SphereEx-DBPlusEngine.

  • SphereEx-Boot

    • SphereEx-Boot (Boot) is a command line tool used to facilitate the management of SphereEx DBPlusEngine-Proxy clusters and SphereEx-Console.
  • SphereEx-Console

    • SphereEx Console (Console) is a visual operator console for managing and controlling the SphereEx enterprise data services platform. It provides a user-friendly experience; at the same time, it forms a total solution with ShardingSphere at its core, including a variety of feature packages for resources, instances, plugins, etc., providing users with a one-stop experience.
  • SphereEx-DBPlusEngine

    • SphereEx-DBPlusEngine is based on the open-source kernel ShardingSphere, enhanced with enterprise-class features, and packaged to provide enterprises with enhanced data service capabilities, including but not limited to data sharding, data security, database replacement, auto-scaling, and so on. It includes SphereEx-DBPlusEngine-Driver and SphereEx-DBPlusEngine-Proxy, two products that can be deployed independently and support hybrid deployments for use together. They both provide standardized data horizontal scaling, distributed transactions, and distributed governance for a variety of application scenarios such as Java homogeneous, heterogeneous languages, cloud-native and more.

      • SphereEx-DBPlusEngine-Proxy

        • A standalone deployment form that works as a database “proxy” and can be accessed and used by applications as a native “database”.
      • SphereEx-DBPlusEngine-Driver

        • Works as an SDK and can be seamlessly integrated with Java applications.

This document is mainly introduces SphereEx-DBPlusEngine-Proxy. For SphereEx-DBPlusEngine-Driver, please refer to the separate chapter Driver Edition User Manual.