Features List

Features List #

All features supported by SphereEx-DBPlusSuite are listed below, including the terminal control provided by SphereEx-Boot, the visual monitoring and diagnostics provided by SphereEx-Console, as well as other functions provided by SphereEx-DBPlusEnginge.

Level One FeaturesLevel Two Features
Dialect compatibilityMySQL
SQL Server
SQL 92/2003 standard
DBMS in China
Database protocol supportMySQL
SQL ExtensionSQL Hint
SQL SQL dialect conversion
Standard DistSQL
Enhanced DistSQL
Distributed TransactionXA transaction
Enhanced XA transaction
Flexible transaction
Global transaction & MVCC
Query optimizerComputing pushdown
Federated query optimization
Data integrationGlobal CDC
Data shardingBasic sharding strategy
Customized sharding strategy
Automated sharding management
Pre-sharding capability
Automatic data redistribution
Heterogeneous secondary index
Instant distribution
Data security (encryption)Data storage encryption
Open-source encryption algorithm
Commercial encryption algorithm
Customized datatype and length
Assisted query column
Simple dense state calculation
Complex dense state calculation
Data encryption
Local key management
Cloud key management
Sensitive data identification
Data security (authority)User management
Role management
Statement-level authority control
Database-level authority control
Table-level authority control
Column-level authority control
Row-level authority control
Authority changing online
LDAP docking
Third-party authority docking
Behavior Security (AUDIT)User behavior audit
Proactive audit (beforehand)
Shadow stress testProduction data isolation test
Read/write splittingRead/write access splitting
Delay detection & consistent access
Built-in precision delay detection
Data migrationFull data migration
Distributed high-performance migration
Single consistency check
Distributed high-performance verification
Elastic scale-outSingle data redistribution
Distributed data redistribution
Single data redistribution
Single consistency check
Distributed high-performance check
Statement flow control
Load flow control
Flow switching and control
Metadata ManagementOnline strong consistency change
Decentralization on cloud
Terminal controlCluster management component
Cluster management
Visual controlHost Management
Cluster management component
Cluster management
SQL Management
Logs Management
High AvailabilityCompute node high availability
Storage node high availability
Storage node fault perception and self-healing
Monitoring diagnosisHost-level monitoring
Component-level monitoring
Statement-level monitoring (slow query)
Enhanced monitoring indicators
Monitoring alarm docking
Link tracing (APM)