Cluster Component Management

Installing and Uninstalling Cluster Components #

In this section, we describe how to install and uninstall the compute and storage nodes of the cluster. Obtaining software: components Governance Center (ZooKeeper), Monitoring Center (Prometheus), Log Center (Elasticsearch Logstash Filebeat) console Built-in, no additional acquisition required.

  • Description of how the cluster components are installed

Self-built resource or component: a new component resource created via console or boot

Registered resource or component: a component resource registered via the console

Our provided ecosystem tools can perform installation, registration, and uninstallation functions for cluster components. Installation is done through the new function, registration is done through the register function, and logout and uninstallation are done through the delete function.

FunctionEcosystem ToolComputing NodeStorage NodeGovernance CenterMonitoring CenterLog CenterComponent
InstallationBootYYThe installation of the Compute Node and the Governance center is provided as a combined package, and separate installations are not supported at this time
ConsoleYYYYThe actual execution of the call to Boot is complete
ConsoleY*YYThis version does not provide registration for monitoring and logging centers Current Proxy Add cluster, refresh to list
UninstallationBootYYY*- Compute nodes: cannot be offloaded independently, compute nodes will leave the cluster when they stop
- Storage nodes: offloading does not delete the database, only the associated relationships
- Governance Center: Support self-built resources to offload ZK, can’t offload independently, offload the cluster when offloading
- Monitoring Center: uninstall prometheus, delete monitoring configuration
- Logging center: uninstallation removes ELK, uninstallation software, can uninstall nodes independently
ConsoleYYYYY- Compute node: i.e. delete node functions, uninstall software, uninstall monitoring, uninstall logs.
- Storage node: uninstallation does not delete the database, only the associated relationships are deleted.
- Governance center: support self-built resources to uninstall ZK, registered resources cannot be uninstalled.
- Monitoring center: uninstall prometheus, delete monitoring configuration and data
- Log center: uninstall remove ES, Logstash, uninstall software, and can uninstall nodes independently.
ConsoleYY“Deleting without uninstalling the software is performing a logout operation
- Storage node: Deletes the database and performs a logout operation without uninstalling the database itself
- Governance center: Deletes the registered Governance center and performs a logout operation
  • Description of the relationship between components and clusters

The cluster is made up of two types of components: exclusive and shared. Exclusive components have a unique relationship with the cluster, meaning that each component can only serve one cluster. However, shared components can be used by several clusters, making them more versatile and cost-effective. Creating a cluster is a straightforward process that involves creating a group of Engine-Proxy compute nodes. To ensure optimal performance, the Compute Node, Governance Node, and Storage Node are mandatory components of the cluster. However, the Monitoring Center and Logging Center are optional and not mandatory but may offer additional benefits. Overall, by understanding and utilizing both exclusive and shared components, you can create a robust and efficient cluster that meets your specific needs and requirements.

ComponentExclusive / SharedCompulsory or notExplanation
Computing NodeExclusiveYesCannot be installed separately, installing a compute node means installing a cluster
Governance CenterSharedYesThe governance center is shared and one namespace of the governance center is a separate cluster
Storage NodeSharedYesStorage nodes are in a many-to-many relationship with the cluster, with one db for one storage node, and storage nodes can only be registered
Monitoring CenterSharedNoMonitoring center for shared
Log CenterSharedNoThe Log center is a shared component that only manages the logs of the compute nodes.

Registration and deregistration of hosts #

Host resources are higher than compute nodes, storage nodes, governance center, logging center, and monitoring center; you need to complete the configuration of the components after completing the resource configuration. The registration of hosts is divided into single registration and batch registration.

SphereEx-Console Registration of single hosts #

Applicable scenarios

Single registration of hosts, suitable for registering a small number of hosts, operating one by one.


The host has an operating system installed and the ssh service is enabled for independent access.


  1. Login to SphereEx-Console.
  2. Click Resources->Hosts to enter the list of monitoring centers
  3. Click the Register button in the top right corner, and by default, you will enter the Single Registration
  4. Fill in the information, see the following table for the specific parameters.
FieldData SourceOptional / RequiredLength limitExplanation
Host IPUser inputRequiredIP formatHost list checks uniqueness
Host userUser inputRequired32
Register methodUser selectionRequiredWhen selecting a password: enter the user password; when selecting a key: upload the key file
SSH portUser inputRequiredChecksum limit: 1024-5000
Host nameThere is a default value and the user entersOptional50The default value is the host IP, which can be modified by the user; the host list checks for uniqueness
Host tagUser selectable; can be multi-selected; can be enteredOptionalIf the tag entered by the user does not exist, the backend can perform the action of adding the tag
DescriptionUser inputOptional500User defined

SphereEx-Console register multiple hosts #

Applicable scenarios

Batch registration of hosts, suitable for scenarios where multiple hosts are registered in bulk


The host has an operating system installed and the ssh service is enabled for independent access. Currently, batch registration of hosts only supports username and password.


  1. Login to SphereEx-Console
  2. Click Resources->Hosts to enter the list of monitoring centers
  3. Click the Register button in the upper right corner and click on the Bulk Registration page to register the hosts in bulk
  4. Click on Click Upload to Upload Files in xlsx format; the maximum file size is 5M and the file content contains up to 100 hosts
  5. Click Click Here to Download Templates to download templates
  6. Click on Next in the bottom right-hand corner to enter the verification page
  7. The parameters in the template are shown in the table below.
FieldData SourceOptional / RequiredLength limitExplanation
Host IPUser inputRequiredIP formatHost list checks uniqueness
Host userUser inputRequired32
User passwordUser inputRequiredComply with password protection rules
SSH portUser inputRequiredChecksum limit: 1024-5000
Host nameThere is a default value and the user entersOptionalThe default value is the host IP, which can be modified by the user; the host list checks for uniqueness
Monitor centerUser inputOptionalUser input, find the desired monitoring center via [Resources] [Monitoring]
Monitor plug-inUser inputOptionalUser input, through [Resources] [Monitoring] [Plugin Management] to find the required monitoring plugins
Monitor plug-in portUser inputOptionalUser input, through [Resources] [Monitoring] [Plugin Management] to find the default port corresponding to the desired monitoring plugin
Monitor plug-in installation pathUser inputOptionalUser input, through [Resources] [Monitoring] [Plugin Management] to find the default installation directory corresponding to the required monitoring plugins
Host tagUser inputOptionalIf the tag entered by the user does not exist, the backend can perform the action of adding the tag
DescriptionUser inputOptional500User defined
  1. Click Next if the verification result is passed to complete the bulk registration of the host

SphereEx-Console logout of host resources #

Applicable scenarios

No need to use this host resource in SphereEx-Console


The host is not in use, no monitoring is configured, deleting the host only unmanaged the host and does not delete the physical host


  1. Log in to SphereEx-Console.
  2. Click Resources->Hosts to access the list of monitoring centers.
  3. Click the Delete button in the Action column of the list.
  4. Click Confirm in the prompt box to complete the logout of the host.

Installation and uninstallation of the monitoring center #

SphereEx-Boot installation monitoring center #


SphereEx-Boot host and the host where Prometheus is deployed need to implement SSH mutual trust authentication.

Note: There are two ways to install Prometheus.

  • Specify parameters to install

Applicable scenarios

When a quick Prometheus installation is required for a single host, you can enter the command directly. Steps:

  1. Download the Prometheus installation package prometheus-xxx.xxx.tar.gz from the Prometheus website.

Note: You can also use the Prometheus installation package from the Boot Toolkit.

  1. Enter the command directly to install.
$ spex component install --user "root" --password "123456" --install-dir /root/prometheus --package ./prometheus-2.33.3.linux-amd64.tar.gz --host
  • Specify profile installation

Applicable scenarios

When Prometheus needs to be deployed on multiple hosts, it can be installed using a configuration file.


a. Download the Prometheus installation package prometheus-xxx.xxx.tar.gz from the Prometheus website.

b. Export the configuration template prometheus-config.yaml.

$ spex component install -t
$ ls 
  1. Prometheus-config.yaml A sample configuration file is shown below, which the user can configure as appropriate.
install_user: root # user name
install_password: root # user password
  file: /root/prometheus-x.x.x.tar.gz # prometheus installation package path
    - host: # deployment host IP
      install_dir: /root/prometheus/ # separate installation directory
  1. Configure the prometheus-config.yaml configuration file and use the following command to install it.
$ spex component install -f ./prometheus-config.yaml

SphereEx-Console installation monitoring center #

Applicable scenarios

The monitoring function in SphereEx-Console is required.


The prerequisites for installing the monitoring center are that the host is registered and that the account of the registered host user has read and write access to the directory.


  1. Log in to the SphereEx-Console.
  2. Click Resources->Monitoring Center to enter the list of monitoring centers.
  3. Click on the New button in the top right corner.
  4. Fill in the information, see the following table for the specific parameters.
FieldData SourceOptional / RequiredLength limitExplanation
Monitor center namesUser inputRequired50Verifying uniqueness in the monitoring center list
Monitor center typesDrop-down selectionRequiredCurrently supported: Prometheus
Add nodes
IPDrop-down selection, host resource listRequiredDifferent software can be installed on the same host, so hosts that have already installed other software can also be displayed
PortsUser inputRequired1024-5000
Installation cataloguesUser inputRequiredDefault is /opt user can modify, if not, create, error when no permission
ExplanationUser inputOptional500
  1. Click Confirm to complete the installation of the monitoring center.

SphereEx-Console uninstallation monitoring center #

Applicable scenarios

It is not necessary to use the monitoring functions in SphereEx-Console.


  • To delete a console, you need to ensure that the console is not in use and has been stopped.
  • Clicking on Delete will prompt you to uninstall the software. If you choose to uninstall the software when deleting, the console will not be able to be managed again.


  1. Log in to the SphereEx-Console.
  2. In the top left corner of the console, select Resources > Monitoring Center.
  3. Click the Delete button in the Actions column of the list.
  4. Click Confirm in the prompt box to complete the uninstallation of the Monitoring center

Registration, cancellation, installation and uninstallation in the Governance Center #

SphereEx-Console registration governance center #

Applicable scenarios

Register an existing ZooKeeper in the user’s environment to the SphereEx-Console.


The user’s environment already has ZooKeeper installed and ready to serve.


  1. Log in to the SphereEx-Console.
  2. In the top left corner of the console, select Resources > Governance Center.
  3. Click the Register button in the top right corner.
  4. Fill in the information, see the table below for specific parameters.
FieldData SourceOptional / RequiredLength limitExplanation
Governance center typesDrop-down selectionRequiredCurrently supported: ZooKeeper
Governance center namesUser inputRequired50Verifying uniqueness
ExplanationUser inputOptional500
  1. Click on Register Host to complete the host registration, refer to the Host Registration section for information.

  2. Click on Confirm in the prompt box to complete the Governance center registration.

SphereEx-Console Logout Governance center #

Applicable scenarios

Remove the registered ZooKeeper from the SphereEx-Console.


ZooKeeper will not be stopped or uninstalled, it can be deleted straight away, the monitoring configuration will be removed and the monitoring plugin will be uninstalled.


  1. Log in to the SphereEx-Console.
  2. In the top left corner of the console, select Resources > Governance Center
  3. Click the Delete button in the Actions column of the list.
  4. Click Confirm in the prompt box to complete the logout of the Governance Center.
  • SphereEx-Console Installing the Governance center

  • SphereEx-Console Installing the Governance center

Applicable scenarios

Install ZooKeeper via SphereEx-Console.


The host has been registered and the account of the host user registered to use it has read and write access to the directory.


  1. Log in to the SphereEx-Console.
  2. In the top left corner of the console, select Resources > Governance Center.
  3. Click the New button in the top right corner.
  4. Fill in the information, see the table below for specific parameters.

Basic information about the Governance center.

FieldData SourceOptional / RequiredLength limitExplanation
Governance center typesDrop-down selectionRequiredCurrently supported: Zookeeper
Governance center namesUser inputRequired50Verifying uniqueness
Governance center softwareDrop-down selectionRequiredThe ZK version of the software built into the console is filled by default
DescriptionUser inputOptional500
Monitor centerDrop-down selectionOptionalRegistered Monitoring Centers
Monitor plug-in softwareDrop-down selectionDependent on [Monitor Center]Default populated with the software corresponding to the ZK monitoring plugin built into the console
If Monitoring center is selected, this field is required
If Monitoring center is not selected, this field cannot be filled in

Node information:

FieldData SourceOptional / RequiredLength limitExplanation
Node IPUser inputRequiredIP: The list of port clusters checks for uniqueness, and any subset or intersection thereof is considered a violation of the uniqueness constraint
Node portsUser inputRequired0-65536IP: The list of port clusters checks for uniqueness, and any subset or intersection thereof is considered a violation of the uniqueness constraint
Monitor plug-in portsAuto-fill, user editableDependent on [Monitoring Center]“The default value is the default port of the monitoring plugin
If Monitoring Center is selected, this field is required
If monitoring Center is not selected, this field cannot be filled in”
Internal communication portsAuto-fill, user editableRequired0-65536“Used for communication ports within the cluster
Default value is 2888”
Internal election portsAuto-fill, user editableRequired0-65536“Used for election ports within the cluster
Default value is 3888”
Installation catalogueUser inputRequiredDesired host directory to install to
  1. Click on the confirmation in the prompt box to complete the installation of the Governance Center.

SphereEx-Console uninstall governance center #

Applicable scenarios

Remove ZooKeeper installed via SphereEx-Console from the SphereEx-Console.


ZooKeeper needs to be stopped first, and depending on the checkboxes to determine whether to uninstall ZooKeeper software, the monitoring configuration will be removed and the monitoring plugin will be uninstalled.


  1. Log in to the SphereEx-Console.
  2. In the top left corner of the console, select Resources > Governance Center.
  3. Click the Delete button in the Actions column of the list.
  4. Click Confirm in the prompt box to complete the uninstallation of the Governance center.

Installation and uninstallation of the log center #

SphereEx-Console installation log center #

Applicable scenarios

Requires the use of the log management function in SphereEx-Console.


The host is registered and the account of the host user registered to use it has read and write access to the directory.


  1. Log in to SphereEx-Console.
  2. Click Resources->Log Center to access the list of monitoring centers.
  3. Click on the New button in the top right corner.
  4. Fill in the information, see the table below for specific parameters. Basic information:

Basic Information:

FieldData SourceOptional / RequiredLength limitExplanation
Log center nameUser inputRequired50Verifying uniqueness
DescriptionUser inputOptional500

Elasticsearch (required) information:

FieldData SourceOptional / RequiredLength limitExplanation
SoftwareDrop-down selectionRequiredPopulate the console with the built-in version of Elasticsearch by default
Node IPDrop-down selectionHost listRequiredNode IP, role, node port verification uniqueness
RoleUser selection“A primary-node and data-node must be installed
Adding a third node is an optional role”
Internal communication portsUser inputRequiredChecksum limit: 1024-5000Node IP, role, node port verification uniqueness
Node portsUser inputRequiredChecksum limit: 1024-5000Node IP, role, node port verification uniqueness
Installation catalogueUser inputRequiredWhen there is no data-node in the role, the data directory does not need to be entered
Data catalogueUser inputRequiredWhen there is no data-node in the role, the data directory does not need to be entered
DescriptionUser inputOptional

Logstash (required) information:

FieldData SourceOptional / RequiredLength limitExplanation
SoftwareDrop-down selectionRequiredDefault filling of console’s built-in logstash version
Node IPDrop-down selection
Host list
RequiredNode IP + port verification uniqueness
Node portsUser inputRequiredChecksum limit: 1024-5000
Installation catalogueUser inputRequired
DescriptionUser inputOptional
  1. Click Confirm to complete the installation of the Log center.

SphereEx-Console uninstall log center #

Applicable scenarios

It is no longer necessary to use this logging center in SphereEx-Console.


  • To delete the log center, you need to ensure that the log center is not in use and has been stopped.
  • Clicking on delete will prompt you to uninstall the software, and if you choose to uninstall the software when deleting the log center, it will not be managed by the console again.


  1. Log in to the SphereEx-Console.
  2. In the top left corner of the console, select Resources > Log Center.
  3. Click the Delete button in the Actions column of the list.
  4. Click Confirm in the prompt box to complete the uninstallation of the Log Center.

Registration and cancellation of database resources #

SphereEx-Console register database resources #

Applicable scenarios

Register existing databases in the user’s environment to be managed in the SphereEx-Console.


The database has been installed and is ready for normal service; the database account that allows SphereEx-Console access has been created. Permissions for the database need to be planned according to the business users themselves.


  1. Log in to the SphereEx-Console.
  2. Click on Resources->Database to access the list of databases.
  3. Click on the Register button in the top right corner.
  4. Fill in the information, see the table below for the specific parameters.
FieldData SourceOptional / RequiredLength limitExplanation
Database addressesUser inputRequiredIP, database list “instance address” + “instance port” uniqueness check
Database portsUser inputRequiredChecksum limit: 1024-5000
Database typesDrop-down selectionRequiredCurrently supported: MySQL
Database usersUser inputRequired32Connecting to a database instance user
User passwordsUser inputRequiredPassword protection rules
DescriptionUser inputOptional500
  1. Click on Register Host to complete the host registration, refer to the Host Registration section for information.

  2. Click on Confirm in the prompt box to complete the database registration.

SphereEx-Console logout of database resources #

Applicable scenarios

It is not necessary to use this database resource in the SphereEx-Console.


Deleting a host from the SphereEx-Console only unmanages the database resources and does not delete the physical database.


  1. Log in to the SphereEx-Console.
  2. Click Resources->Database to access the list of monitoring Centers.
  3. Click the Delete button in the Action column of the list.
  4. Click on Confirm in the prompt box to complete the database logout.

Management of cluster components #

The management of compute and storage nodes is described in this section.

Host Resource Management #

The host is the base resource of the cluster and can only be managed using the Console.

The list of functions is as follows:

Exploration workConsoleExploration work
RefreshingConsoleRefresh data to database to read to page
ModificationConsoleChange hostname password
Configuration monitorConsoleConfigure host monitoring

Exploration work #

Applicable scenarios

Exploration work host


The host has been registered


  1. Log in to SphereEx-Console.
  2. Click Resources->Host to access the list of hosts.
  3. Click the Exploration Work button on the action bar of the list to complete the host exploration.

Specify host refresh #

Applicable scenarios

Specify host refresh


The host has been registered


  1. Log in to SphereEx-Console.
  2. Click Resources->Host to access the list of hosts.
  3. Click on the Refresh button in the list action bar to complete the refresh.

All hosts refreshed #

Applicable scenarios

Refresh all hosts in the list


The host has been registered


  1. Log in to SphereEx-Console.
  2. Click Resources->Host to access the list of hosts.
  3. Click on the Refresh button in the top right hand corner to complete the refresh.

Modification #

Applicable scenarios

Modification of specified host information


The host has been registered and all information can be changed if it is not in use, but the host IP can not be changed if it is already in use.


  1. Log in to SphereEx-Console.
  2. Click Resources->Host to access the list of hosts.
  3. Click the Modify button in the action bar of the list to enter the host modification page.
  4. Complete the modification of the host information by filling in the following information:
FieldData SourceOptional / RequiredLength limitExplanation
Host IPHost listRequiredIP formatChecks uniqueness, unassociated components, can be modified when monitoring is not configured
Host userHost listRequired32Can be modified
User passwordHost listRequiredComplies with password protection rules and can be modified
SSH portHost listRequiredChecksum limit: 1024-5000, can be modified
Host nameHost listOptionalThe default value is the host IP, which can be changed by the user
Host list checks for uniqueness
Host tagHost listOptionalIf the tag entered by the user does not exist, the backend can perform the action of adding a tag, which can be modified
  1. Click Confirm in the prompt box to complete the host changes.

Configuration monitor #

Please refer to Host Monitoring Alarms

Monitor center management #

View monitoring plug-inConsoleView the built-in monitoring plug-in
Exploration workConsoleView the built-in monitoring plug-in
RefreshmentConsoleRefresh data to database to read to page
ModificationConsoleChange hostname password
StartConsoleActivate monitoring Center resources
StopConsoleStop monitoring Center resources

View Monitoring Plugin #

Applicable scenarios

View information on the built-in monitoring plug-ins.




  1. Login to SphereEx-Console
  2. Click on Resources->Monitoring Center to enter the list
  3. Click the Monitoring Plugin button in the top right corner to enter the list of monitoring plugins
  4. Click the Back button in the top right corner to return to the Monitoring Center list page

Exploration work #

Applicable scenarios

Exploration work monitoring center


Monitoring center has been installed


  1. Log in to SphereEx-Console.
  2. Click Resources->Monitoring Center to access the list.
  3. Click the Exploration Work button of the list to complete the exploration.

Designated monitoring Center refresh #

Applicable scenarios

Designated monitoring center refresh.


The monitoring center has been installed.


  1. Log in to SphereEx-Console.
  2. Click Resources->Monitoring Center to access the list of monitoring Centers.
  3. Click on the Refresh button in the action bar of the list to complete the refresh.

Modification #

Applicable scenarios

Specify changes to the monitoring Center information, which can change the name and description of the monitoring Center.


The monitoring center has been installed.


  1. Log in to SphereEx-Console.
  2. Click Resources->Monitoring Center to access the list.
  3. Click on the Modify button in the Action column of the list to access the Modify page.
  4. Fill in the following information:
FieldData SourceOptional / RequiredLength limitExplanation
Monitor center nameUser inputRequiredCan be modified
DescriptionUser inputOptional500Can be modified
  1. Click Confirm button to complete the changes to the monitoring Center information.

Start #

Applicable scenarios

Activation of the designated monitoring Center


The monitoring Center has already been installed,and the monitoring Center can not be started repeatedly. Starting a monitoring Center that has already been started will indicate that it has been started.


  1. Log in to SphereEx-Console.
  2. Click Resources->Monitoring Center to access the list of monitoring Centers.
  3. Click the Start button on the action bar of the list to complete the startup.

Stop #

Applicable scenarios

Stop designating monitoring Centers


The monitoring Center has been installed, the monitoring Center cannot be stopped repeatedly, starting a monitoring Center that has been stopped will indicate that it has been stopped, and the monitoring function will not be available after the monitoring Center has been stopped.


  1. Log in to SphereEx-Console.
  2. Click Resources->Monitoring Center to access the list of monitoring Centers.
  3. Click the Stop button in the action bar of the list to complete the stop.

Governance Center Management #

Exploration workConsolePing command
RefreshmentConsoleRefresh data to database to read to page
ModificationConsoleChange hostname password
LogConsoleView the logs for operating the Governance Center in the Console platform
Management nodeConsoleExploration, refresh
Configuration monitorConsole、BootRegister host, install, uninstall, stop, start
StartConsole、BootLaunch of governance Center resources
StopConsole、BootStop governance Center resources

Exploration work #

Applicable scenarios

Exploration work governance center


The governance center has been installed or registered


  1. Log in to SphereEx-Console.
  2. Click Resources->Governance Center to access the list.
  3. Click on the Exploration Work button of the list to complete the exploration.

Designated governance center refresh #

Applicable scenarios

Designated governance center refresh


The governance center has been registered or installed


  1. Log in to SphereEx-Console.
  2. Click Resources->Governance Center to access the list of hosts.
  3. Click the Refresh button in the list action bar to complete the refresh.

All governance centers refresh #

Applicable scenarios

All governance centers on the list refresh


The governance center has been registered or installed.


  1. Log in to SphereEx-Console.
  2. Click Resources->Governance Center to access the list of hosts.
  3. Click the Refresh button in the top right corner to complete the refresh.

Modification #

Applicable scenarios

Specify changes to the governance Center information, which allows you to change the name and description of the monitoring Center.


The governance Center has been installed or registered


  1. Log in to SphereEx-Console.
  2. Click Resources->Governance Center to access the list.
  3. Click on the Modify button in the Actions column of the list to enter the Modify page.
  4. Fill in the following information:
FieldData SourceOptional / RequiredLength limitExplanation
Governance center typeDrop-down selectionRequiredCannot be modified
Governance center nameUser inputRequired50Verifying uniqueness
Can be modified
DescriptionUser inputOptional500Can be modified
  1. Click the Confirm button to complete the changes to the Governance Center information

View operation log #

Applicable scenarios

View the logs for operating the Governance Center within the SphereEx-Console platform.




  1. Log in to SphereEx-Console.
  2. Click Resources->Governance Center to access the list.
  3. Click on the operation column Log button to access the View Operation Log page. You can view the logs of the operations in both event and log dimensions.
  4. Click the Refresh button in the top right corner to refresh the contents of the page.
  5. Click the Back button in the top right hand corner to return to the list page.

Management Node #

Node Exploration #

Applicable scenarios

Explore the living governance center node


The governance center has been registered or installed.


  1. Log in to SphereEx-Console.
  2. Click Resources->Governance Center to access the list.
  3. Click the Manage Nodes button in the Action column of the list to access the Node List page.
  4. Click on the Exploration Work button in the Action column of the Node List to complete the node exploration.
  5. Click the Back button in the top right corner to return to the Governance center list.

Node Refresh #

Applicable scenarios

Refresh the governance center node


The governance center has been installed or registered.


  1. Log in to SphereEx-Console.
  2. Click Resources->Governance Center to access the list.
  3. Click the Manage Nodes button in the Action column of the list to access the Node List page.
  4. Click the Refresh button in the action column of the node list to complete the node refresh.
  5. Click the Back button in the top right corner to return to the Governance center list.

Configuration monitor #

Please refer to theGovernance Center Monitor

Start #

Applicable scenarios

Launch of designated governance centers


  • The Governance center has already been installed and cannot be started repeatedly. Starting an already started Governance center will prompt for it to be started.
  • When the Governance center is a registered component, it can not be started via SphereEx-Console.


  1. Log in to SphereEx-Console.
  2. Click Resources->Governance Center to access the list of monitoring centers. 3.
  3. Click the Start button on the action bar of the list to complete the startup.

Stop #

Applicable scenarios

Stop designating governance centers


  • The Governance Center has been installed and can not be stopped repeatedly. Stopping a Governance Center that has already been stopped will indicate that it has been stopped.
  • When the Governance Center is a registered component, it can not be stopped via SphereEx-Console.


  1. Log in to SphereEx-Console.
  2. Click Resources->Governance Center to access the list of monitoring centers.
  3. Click on the Stop button in the action bar of the list to complete the stop.

Log center management #

Check out FilebeatConsoleCheck the built-in filebeat version
Management nodeConsoleAdding nodes, exploring live, refreshing, starting, stopping, deleting
LogConsoleView logs from the operations log center in the Console
StartConsoleLaunch the log center
StopConsoleStop Log Center

Check out Filebeat #

Applicable scenarios

View information about the built-in Filebeat plugin




  1. Log in to SphereEx-Console.
  2. Click Resources->Log Center to access the list.
  3. Click the Filebeat button in the top right corner to enter the Filebeat plug-in list page. 4.
  4. Click the Back button in the top right corner to return to the Log Center list page.

Management node #

Add node #

Applicable scenarios

Adding a node to a log center


The host is registered and the account of the host user registered to use it has read and write access to the directory.


  1. Log in to SphereEx-Console.
  2. Click Resources->Log Center to access the list.
  3. Click the action bar Manage Node button to access the Node List page.
  4. Click the Add Node button in the upper right corner to enter the Add Node page.
  5. Fill in the information, see the table below for specific parameters.


FieldData SourceOptional / RequiredLength limitExplanation
SoftwareDrop-down selectionRequiredPopulate the console with the built-in version of Elasticsearch by default
Node IPDrop-down selection
Host List
RequiredNode IP + port verification uniqueness
RoleUser selectionRole cannot be empty
Node portUser inputRequiredChecksum limit: 1024-5000
Installation catalogueUser inputRequired
SoftwareList of software in the console directoryRequiredSelect from the console’s software directory, the corresponding package, and the documentation indicating the software location
DescriptionUser inputOptional


FieldData SourceOptional / RequiredLength limitExplanation
SoftwareDrop-down selectionRequiredThe console’s built-in version of logstash is populated by default
Node IPDrop-down selection
Host List
RequiredNode IP + port verification uniqueness
Node portUser inputRequiredChecksum limit: 1024-5000
Installation catalogueUser inputRequired
SoftwareList of software in the console directoryRequiredSelect the software package from the console’s software directory, the corresponding package, the documentation indicates the software location
DescriptionUser inputOptional500
  1. Click Confirm to add a node to the Log center.

  2. Click the Back button in the top right corner to return to the Log center list page.

Node Exploration #

Applicable scenarios

Exploration work log center node


The Log Center has been installed


a. Log in to SphereEx-Console.

b. Click Resources->Log Center to access the list.

c. Click the Manage Nodes button in the Action column of the list to access the Node List page.

d. Click the Exploration Work button in the Node List action bar to complete the node exploration.

Node refresh #

Applicable scenarios

Refresh the Log Center node


The Log Center has been installed


a. Log in to SphereEx-Console.

b. Click Resources->Log Center to access the list.

c. Click the Manage Nodes button in the action bar of the list to enter the node list page.

d. Click the Refresh button in the action bar of the node list or the Refresh button in the top right corner of the page to refresh the nodes and all nodes.

View node logs #

Applicable scenarios

View the logs for operating the Log center node within the SphereEx-Console platform.




a. Log in to SphereEx-Console.

b. Click Resources->Log Center to access the list.

c. Click the Manage Nodes button in the Actions column of the list to access the Node List page.

d. Click the Log button in the Action column to go to the View Action Log page.

The log of the operation can be viewed in both event and log dimensions.

e. Click on the Refresh button in the top right corner to refresh the page content.

f. Click the Back button in the top right corner to return to the Node List page.

Start node #

Applicable scenarios

Start the Logging Center node


Already started nodes, started as grey unclickable


a. Log in to SphereEx-Console.

b. Click Resources->Log Center to access the list.

c. Click the Manage Nodes button in the action bar of the list to access the node list page.

d. Click the Start button on the action bar of the list to complete the startup.

Stop Node #

Applicable scenarios

Stop Logging Center node


  • Stopping a node may result in the Log Center being unavailable, so please proceed with caution. Nodes that have been stopped, stop is greyed out as unclickable.
  • The log center will stop when the last node is stopped.


a. Log in to SphereEx-Console.

b. Click Resources->Log Center to access the list.

c. Click the Manage Nodes button in the action bar of the list to access the node list page.

d. Click the Stop button in the action bar of the list to complete the stop.

Uninstall the log center node #

Applicable scenarios

Volume reduction log center


  • Only discontinued nodes can be deleted; nodes that are being used can not be deleted.
  • Clicking on delete will prompt you to uninstall the software. If you do not check the box to uninstall the software, the Log Center node will not be managed by console again, and when only the last node remains, it will not be uninstalled and can only be uninstalled by operating the Log Center.


a. Log in to the SphereEx-Console.

b. In the top left corner of the console, select Resources > Log Center.

c. Click the Delete button in the Actions column of the list.

d. Click Confirm in the prompt box to complete the uninstallation of the Log Center node.

View log in log center #

Applicable scenarios

View logs from the Operations Log Center within the SphereEx-Console platform.


  1. Log in to SphereEx-Console.
  2. Click Resources->Log Center to access the list.
  3. Click on the Operation column Logs button to access the view operation logs page. You can view the logs of the operations in both event and log dimensions.
  4. Click on the Refresh button in the top right corner to refresh the page content.
  5. Click the Back button in the top right hand corner to return to the list page.

Start #

Applicable scenarios

Launch the Log Center


If the node is already started, the start is greyed out and unclickable.


  1. Log in to SphereEx-Console.
  2. Click Resources->Log Center to access the list.
  3. Click the Start button on the action bar of the list to complete the start-up.

Stop #

Applicable scenarios

Stop Log Center


If you stop the Log Centre, the Log Centre will not be available, please proceed with caution. For log centres that have been stopped, the stop is greyed out and unclickable.


  1. Log in to SphereEx-Console.
  2. Click Resources->Log Center to access the list.
  3. Click the Manage Nodes button in the action bar of the list to enter the node list page.
  4. Click the Stop button in the action bar of the list to complete the stop.

Description of database resource management functions #

Console currently only supports the administration of MySQL databases.

Exploration workPing command
RefreshmentRefresh data to database to read to page
ModifyChange hostname password
Configuration monitorConfigure database monitoring, you need to configure the host first

Exploration work #

Applicable scenarios

Explore live database examples


The database instance has been registered.


  1. Log in to SphereEx-Console.
  2. Click Resources->Database to access the list of hosts.
  3. Click the Exploration Work button on the action bar on the list to complete the exploration.

Specify database instance refresh #

Applicable scenarios

Specify database instance refresh


The database instance has been registered.


  1. Log in to SphereEx-Console.
  2. Click Resources->Database to access the list of hosts.
  3. Click the Refresh button in the list action bar to complete the refresh.

All database instances refreshed #

Applicable scenarios

Refresh of all database instances in the list


The database instance has been registered.


  1. Log in to SphereEx-Console.
  2. Click Resources->Database to access the list of hosts.
  3. Click the Refresh button in the top right corner to complete the refresh.

Modify #

Applicable scenarios

Specify changes to database instance information


The database instance has already been registered and modifying the database username and password does not affect the storage node being used; the storage node registered after the modification will use the new username and password.


  1. Log in to SphereEx-Console.
  2. Click Resources->Database to access the list of hosts.
  3. Click on the Modify button in the Action column of the list to enter the Host Modification page.
  4. Complete the information modification by filling in the following information:
FieldData SourceOptional / RequiredLength limitExplanation
Database userUser inputRequiredCan be modified
User commandUser inputRequired500Can be modified
DescriptionUser inputOptionalCan be modified
  1. Click on Confirm in the prompt box to complete the changes.

Configure Monitor #

Please refer to[Database Monitor](/docs/operation-maintenance/9-monitor-alarm/#database monitoring)