Dependency Management

Dependency Management #

This chapter mainly introduces how to download optional dependencies of DBPlusEngine

Add Narayana dependencies #

Adding Narayana dependencies requires downloading the following jar files and adding them under ext-lib path.

jar file downloads #

Please download the corresponding shardingsphere-transaction-xa-narayana.jar file according to the proxy version.

Add Bitronix dependencies #

Adding Bitronix dependencies requires downloading the following jar files and adding them under ext-lib path.

jar file downloads #

Please download the corresponding shardingsphere-transaction-xa-bitronix.jar file according to the proxy version.

Add database driver dependencies #

  • DBPlusEngine has a built-in driver for Postgre database
  • DBPlusEngine does not have a built-in MySQL driver, users need to add it by themselves according to the version of the database