SQL Parser

SQL Parser #

Configuration Entry #

Class name: org.apache.shardingsphere.parser.config.SQLParserRuleConfiguration

configurable properties:

NameData typeDescription
sqlCommentParseEnabled (?)booleanWhether to use string interception to parse SQL comments
parseTreeCache (?)CacheOptionParse tree local cache configuration
sqlStatementCache (?)CacheOptionsql statement local cache configuration

Local Cache Configuration #

Class name: org.apache.shardingsphere.sql.parser.api.CacheOption

configurable properties:

NameData typeDescriptionDefault value
initialCapacityintInitial capacity of local cacheThe default value of parse tree local cache is 128, and the default value of SQL statement cache is 2000
maximumSizelongMaximum capacity of local cacheThe default value of parse tree local cache is 1024, and the default value of SQL statement cache is 65535
concurrencyLevelintLocal cache concurrency level, the maximum number of concurrent updates allowed by threads4