Data Management

Data Management #

Data Export #

SphereEx-DBPlusEngine does not currently support data export.

Data Import #

For MySQL data sources, supports importing data using the LOAD DATA and LOAD XML statements for single tables and broadcast tables.

Data Backup #

SphereEx-DBPlusEngine does not currently support data backup, but it can be performed on the database side.

Data Recovery #

SphereEx-DBPlusEngine does not currently support data recovery, but it can be performed on the database side.

Data Integration (Migration) #

Data Migration #

SphereEx-DBPlusEngine provides the ability to migrate heterogeneous databases.

  • Supported Databases

Currently, SphereEx-DBPlusEngine supports a limited number of database types when the target end is a proxy, including MySQL, PostgreSQL, and openGauss. Support for new database types is in progress.

  • Supported Source End Databases

The supported source end databases are shown in the table below:

Full migrationYYYY
Incremental migrationNYYY
Data comparisonYYYY

The supported source end databases are more diverse.

The first category includes databases that support both full migration and incremental synchronization, including MySQL, PostgreSQL, and openGauss.

The second category includes commercial databases that only support full migration, such as Oracle. Currently, Oracle has been tested and corresponds to the target end databases PostgreSQL and MySQL. Incremental synchronization is currently in progress.

  • Supported Target End Databases
Full migrationYYY
Incremental migrationYYY
Data comparisonYYY

Data consistency verification supports heterogeneous databases, but there are limitations on the types of supported algorithms. Currently, it is recommended to use the DATA_MATCH algorithm.

  • Third-party Tools

Third-party tools such as DataX can also be used to implement the import and export of heterogeneous data.