Resource Parameter Templates

Resource Parameter Templates #

Simple scenarios #

Enterprises use SphereEx-DBPlusEngine to meet their requirements for usage scenarios such as sharding, encryption, etc.

Sharding scenarios #

MySQL8C 16G * 1
Proxy(Low performance)2C 4G * 2
Proxy(Medium performance)4C 8G * 2
Proxy(High performance))8C 16G * 2
ZooKeeper2C 2G * 3

The above configurations are based on standard TPCC benchmark testing and are for reference only as they may differ from actual production environments.

Encryption scenarios #

MySQL8C 16G * 1
Proxy(Low performance)2C 4G * 2
Proxy(High performance)4C 8G * 2
ZooKeeper2C 2G * 3

The above configurations are based on standard TPCC benchmark testing and are for reference only as they may differ from actual production environments.

Integrated example scenarios #

Enterprises use SphereEx-DBPlusEngine to meet their requirements for usage scenarios such as sharding, encryption, etc.

Small operations #

In the case of an operation that is relatively homogeneous, but with massive forecasted growth in business volume, preparing your structure while considering in advance your future needs is recommended.

MySQL8C 32G * 1
Proxy4C 4G * 2
ZooKeeper2C 2G * 3

Medium operations #

The operation is more complex, with a large and rapidly increasing volume of data. Updates in the data layer architecture are required.

MySQL32C 64G * 4
Proxy8C 16G * 2
ZooKeeper2C 2G * 3

Large operations #

The operation is very large, with massive amounts of data, and the data needs to be sharded as quickly as possible. At the same time, there is a high demand for availability.

MySQL32C 64G * 16
Proxy8C 16G * 4
ZooKeeper2C 2G * 7