Auto Scaling on Cloud (HPA)

Auto Scaling on Cloud (HPA) #

Parameters #

NameDescriptionDefault Value
automaticScaling.enableSphereEx-DBPlusEngine-Proxy whether the cluster starts auto scalingfalse
automaticScaling.scaleUpWindowsSphereEx-DBPlusEngine-Proxy auto scaling-out stable window30
automaticScaling.scaleDownWindowsSphereEx-DBPlusEngine-Proxy auto scaling-in stable window30
automaticScaling.targetSphereEx-DBPlusEngine-Proxy threshold value of auto scaling is percentage. Note: at this stage, only CPU is supported for scaling.70
automaticScaling.maxInstanceSphereEx-DBPlusEngine-Proxy maximum number of scaling-out copies4
automaticScaling.minInstanceSphereEx-DBPlusEngine-Proxy minimum number of startup copies, and the scaling-in size will not be less than this number of copies1

Notes #

When you turn on the automaticScaling function of SphereEx-DBPlusEngine, HPA will take over the number of copies of SphereEx-DBPlusEngine. Your SphereEx-DBPlusEngine may scale-in, and the application will flash.

When the automaticScaling function of SphereEx-DBPlusEngine is enabled, the corresponding HPA will be deleted.

Procedure #

  • After modifying values.yaml according to the following configuration, execute helm install to create a new SphereEx-DBPlusEngine cluster.

  • Or use helm upgrade to update the existing SphereEx-DBPlusEngine cluster configuration.

Sample #

If you want to turn on the auto scaling function of SphereEx-DBPlusEngine in SphereEx-Operator, you need to open the following configuration in the values.yaml of SphereEx-DBPlusEngine-cluster charts.

  enable: true
  scaleUpWindows: 30
  scaleDownWindows: 30
  target: 20
  maxInstance: 4
  minInstance: 2