proxy_request_total | total number of requests | COUNTER |
proxy_connection_total | total number of connections | GAUGE |
proxy_execute_latency_millis | request duration (MS) | HISTOGRAM |
proxy_execute_error_total | Number of execution exceptions | COUNTER |
proxy_info | Proxy information. Different values of the name tag represent different information contents. state: proxy running status value, 1 for running and 2 for fusing. uptime: runtime length milliseconds. init-metadata-duration: metadata loading took Ms. init-socket-duration: network startup took Ms. init-backend-duration: the backend startup took milliseconds. boot-duration: boot duration takes milliseconds. boot-time: boot time millisecond value timestamp. | GAUGE |
proxy_transaction_commit_total | Transaction commit times | COUNTER |
proxy_transaction_rollback_total | Transaction rollback times | COUNTER |
build_info | Proxy build information. The name tag represents different components, and the version tag represents the component version.Name equals ‘sphereex-plugins-metrics-prometheus’ represents agent. Name equals ‘shardingsphere-proxy-bootstrap’ represents proxy. | GAUGE |
meta_data_info | Metadata information. Different name tag values represent different information. database_count: number of databases. database_instance_count: number of database instances. database_catalog_count: number of data directories. datasource_count: number of data sources. table_count: number of tables (sharding table+broadcast table+single table+binding table (table group)). sharding_table_count: number of sharding tables. broadcast_table_count: number of broadcast tables. single_table_count: number of single tables. encrypt_table_count: number of encryption rules. shadow_table_count: number of shadow rules. readwrite_splitting_count: number of read/write splitting rules. db_discovery_count: number of database discovery rules. user_count: number of users. | GAUGE |
parse_dist_sql_rql_total | Total number of DistSQL RQL types parsed | COUNTER |
parse_dist_sql_rdl_total | Total number of DistSQL RDL types parsed | COUNTER |
parse_dist_sql_ral_total | Total number of DistSQL RAL types parsed | COUNTER |
parse_dist_sql_rul_total | Total number of DistSQL RUL types parsed | COUNTER |
route_sql_select_total | Total number of select SQL statements executed by route | COUNTER |
route_sql_insert_total | Total number of insert SQL statements executed by route | COUNTER |
route_sql_update_total | Total number of update SQL statements executed by route | COUNTER |
route_sql_delete_total | Total number of delete SQL statements executed by route | COUNTER |
route_datasource_total | The number of data source routes. The name tag represents the added data source name | COUNTER |
route_table_total | The number of table routes. The name tag represents the table name | COUNTER |
parse_sql_dml_insert_total | Total number of insert SQL statements parsed | COUNTER |
parse_sql_dml_delete_total | Total number of delete SQL statements parsed | COUNTER |
parse_sql_dml_update_total | Total number of update SQL statements parsed | COUNTER |
parse_sql_dml_select_total | Total number of select SQL statements parsed | COUNTER |
parse_sql_ddl_total | Total number of parsing DDL SQL statements | COUNTER |
parse_sql_dcl_total | Total number of parsing DCL SQL statements | COUNTER |
parse_sql_dal_total | Total number of parsing DAL SQL statements | COUNTER |
parse_sql_tcl_total | Total number of parsing TCL SQL statements | COUNTER |
proxy_transaction_autocommit_total | Total number of auto commit transactions | COUNTER |
proxy_connection_usage_sec | Connection duration | HISTOGRAM |
proxy_request_bytes | Number of requested bytes | HISTOGRAM |
proxy_response_bytes | Number of response bytes | HISTOGRAM |
route_sql_latency_millis | Routing SQL takes time | HISTOGRAM |
parse_sql_latency_millis | Parsing duration | HISTOGRAM |
parse_sql_in_commit | Number of SQL parsed in commit | HISTOGRAM |
parse_sql_in_rollback | Number of SQL parsed in rollback | HISTOGRAM |
proxy_execute_error_typed_total | The total number of execution errors. The name tag represents the exception class name. | COUNTER |
parse_sql_total | Total number of SQL parsed | COUNTER |
route_sql_total | Total number of SQL routes | COUNTER |
proxy_execute_total | Total number of tasks executed | COUNTER |
proxy_backend_executor_thread_info | The backend executes thread pool information. Labels of different names represent thread information in different states.(It is only of reference significance when executing tasks will affect multiple actual database tables, such as sharding data query)task_pending: Number of tasks to be executed; task_running: Number of tasks being executed; task_completed: Cumulative number of tasks completed; kernel_executor_size: In file of server.yaml, parameter kernel_executor_size configuration value. | GAUGE |