SphereEx-DBPlusEngine, linking data and services simply

Seamlessly Connect Data & Applications: SphereEx-DBPlusEngine #

Overview #

Based on the open source kernel of ShardingSphere, DBPlusEngine is encapsulated after adding and enhancing some enterprise level features. It can provide enterprises with enhanced data service capabilities, including but not limited to data sharding, data security, etc.

It consists of two products, DBPlusEngine-Driver and DBPlusEngine-Proxy, which can be deployed independently and or concurrently. They all provide standardized horizontal data expansion, distributed transaction, distributed governance and other features, which can be applied to various application scenarios such as Java isomorphism, heterogeneous language, cloud native and so on.

Features #

DBPlusEngine is positioned as a Database Plus, and aims at building a standard layer and ecosystem above heterogeneous databases. It focuses on how to reuse existing databases and their respective upper layer, rather than creating a new database. DBPlusEngine stands at the upper level of the database and pays more attention to the cooperation between them than the database itself.

The concepts at the core of the project are Connect, Enhance and Pluggable.

Connect: flexible adaptation of database protocol, SQL dialect and database storage. It can quickly connect applications and heterogeneous databases quickly.

Enhance: capture database access entry to provide additional features transparently, such as: redirect (sharding, read/write splitting and shadow), transform (data encryption and masking), authentication (security, audit and authority), governance (circuit breaker and access limitation), and analyze (QoS and observability).

Pluggable: adopts micro kernel and 3 layers pluggable mode, so that the kernel, features and database ecosystem can be embedded flexibily. Developers can customize their ShardingSphere just like building with LEGO blocks.

Product Capability #

Refer to Architecture