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Modify Instances

Modify Instances #


When the database instance information changes, such as IP, port, type, user name, etc., users can update the instance through the modification function.


Ensure that the modified content is consistent with the actual changed information.


  1. Login to SphereEx-Console.
  2. In the upper-left corner of the console, select Resource > Database Instance.
  3. Select the targeted database, and click the Modify button on the right.
  4. A Modify Instances dialog box will pop up, fill in the required and optional contents according to the prompted dialog box.
Instance IPRequired field, normal IP address, such as
Instance PortRequired field, normal port address 1 ~ 65535, such as 3306.
DescriptionOptional, cannot exceed 500 characters.
Instance TypeRequired field. You need to select MySQL.
Connecting UserRequired field, cannot exceed 50 characters.
PasswordRequired field. Used to check whether the data can be connected normally.
  1. Click OK to finish modifying the instance.