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Add Host

Add Host #


When users need to monitor the host where the application service is located, they can monitor and manage single or multiple hosts in a unified manner by registering the host, and learn about indicators related to the service host.


Ensure that the host address is true and valid, which can be determined by Test Connection activity.


  1. Login to SphereEx-Console.
  2. In the upper-left corner of the console, select Resource > Host.
  3. In the upper-right corner, click the Add Host button.
  4. Fill in the host information. Refer to the table below for specific parameters.
IPRequired field, normal IP address, such as
DescriptionOptional, cannot exceed 500 characters.
UsernameOptional, no more than 50 characters.
PasswordOptional, no more than 50 characters.
Host NameRequired field, cannot exceed 50 characters. The unique identification of different hosts on console, and not the hostname.
Monitor LableRequired field, the instance name corresponding to the host in Prometheus.
Test ConnectionUse Ping mechanism to detect whether the host is available online.
  1. Click OK to complete the host registration.


  1. After adding data successfully, close the pop-up window and refresh the list data.
  2. If you receive a prompt stating that the user data already exists, please add it again.